TRUE SELL ZP would be the ultimate subliminal teaching you to convince anyone of anything. By filling you with conviction and belief in your mission, and teaching you the principles of persuasion, ANYONE can become a master persuader with True Sell ZP. This goes beyond sales. Stack True Sell ZP this with Ultimate Artist to further convince people to do whatever you need them to do... give you a studio free of charge, mentor you, introduce you to famous art directors. Stack True Sell ZP with any seduction subliminal to convince those who you are attracted to do anything you desire them to. Stack True Sell ZP with Stark to, on a massive scale, convince millions of people that the cause you're supporting is the most important cause in the world and that you are it's champion. Or stack it with any wealth subliminal to become a master salesman. True Sell ZP would help those learning hypnosis, NLP, those who want to become teachers and motivational speakers, even those who want to perform anything in front of a stage, be it magic or comedy. For those who want to become extremely persuasive people able to convince everyone their cause is right... order now.

Billions posted over 2 years ago
