Q-modules: Quantum Neural Network -series

Imagine if you could outsource part of your mind’s information processing and storage to an external non-physical personal “server”, bypassing all physical limitations of your Neo-cortex and memory retention? Imagine if you could imprint your etheric body with a neural network of your own creation, and make it an extension of your own biological neural network - giving you access to a personal and infinitely scalable “Quantum Neural Network” remote server for information processing, storage, and recall? What if you could increase your own computational raw power, your memory, information retention, and recall - beyond all physical limitations? What if you could start to expand your mind decades before the first actual mind-enhancing implants are created? (if there ever will be any!) *QNN Neo-Cortex - Like adding an external CPU and RAM for your brain to use for faster working memory and information processing. Only this one is not limited to the physical brain, but makes use of your etheric and spiritual body instead. *QNN Memory and Information Recall - Imagine if your mind could store information and memories in your etheric body, just the same as it would commit to saving long-term memory in the brain? And imagine if your Recall were instant and with near absolute accuracy? *QNN Information Sharing - What if you could share information and memories with other users with a personal Quantum Neural Network? Perfect for those who want a deeper personal intuitive connection with someone. (or for those with Hive-mind aspirations! ;) ) I’m sure there is more stuff to explore here, but these are just some wild ideas that came up. I imagine it would be an overlap between cognitive enhancement and spiritual titles, as it would (the way I imagine it) make use of one’s ‘spiritual’ body as the ‘hardware’ and information carrier for cognitive enhancement. Obviously, this is just a concept, but it would be amazing if possible.

Athanaxos posted about 1 year ago



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