Q-module: A/SPS - Telomere Regeneration

We all grow old. That’s just life. And eventually, we grow frail and brittle and our bodies start to break down, and in the end, they fail, and we die. That’s just life, right? There are many causes for this of course, but one specific cause is the damage to DNA that occurs over time when its protective ‘caps’ or Telomeres have been damaged. This leads to the DNA replicating damaged DNA, again, and again, and again. And ultimately the DNA copies are so damaged that the body simply doesn’t know anymore how to renew its cells properly. But what if we could instruct our bodies to restore these protective caps? What if we could keep our Telomeres intact, and allow our DNA to replicate itself properly, making pristine copies of itself instead of damaged and mutated ones? What if you could reach old age, and still have a body that renews and regenerates like a young adult? What if you could reach Methuselarity - that point in the future where longevity science has come so far as to nearly abolish the death of old age? What if you… could live forever? With A/SPS - Telomere in your custom, you just might. *** Pairs extremely well with Epigenetics & DNA Modulator.

Athanaxos posted about 1 year ago



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