Product: Ultimate Programmer ZP

Objectives: 1. Master any programming language you desire along with their libraries and type of programming (functional, object oriented) 2. Understand the underlying workings of computers and their electrical, electronic, digital, mathematical and computing architecture. 3. Mathematical concepts in programming are easy to understand. 4. Data Structures and Algorithms are simple to grasp and create. 5. Be able to use any software tool like IDEs, Text Editors, version control tools like Git, etc. 6. Be comfortable in any operation system whether it be Windows, Mac OS or Linux. 7. Find the right books, mentors, courses and classes. 8. Ace software engineer exams and interviews. 9. Envision future technology. 10. Find intersections in usage of various technologies (eg- computing and quantum physics to make quantum computing). 11. Show curiosity and problem solving skills. 12. Have excellent communication skills in written and spoken form. 13. Find your passion and career in writing code.

Lion posted almost 2 years ago



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