Precognition (like the movie Next)

The movie with Nic Cage. The way I envision this is the sub would train the subconscious to evaluate all incoming sensory data, along with known patterns from the past. Have it make predictions based on all the incoming data. say if it made a million predictions, it would compare those to how reality ACTUALLY unfolds. Then it would determine which pattern extrapolations lead to the most accurate precog. Once this is done, it starts presenting the most likely "winning" predictions to the conscious mind in the form of intuitive glimpses or whatever. I figure at first it would be accurate out to just a few seconds. But over time, as it entrenches and refines, it would get longer and longer into the future. In Next, Nic Cage's character had precog like this about 2 minutes out. Or think of that taxi cab scene in Limitless where Eddie knew the accidental would happen because he knew the driver was texting and not paying attention, wouldn't be able to stop in time. Another possible way is to take each bit of incoming data and make all possible predictions that could happen by extrapolating from bit. Look at the predictions from all the bits of data and see which predictions are found with the must occurrence/frequency...and these would be the most likely to occur.

Palpatine posted about 2 years ago



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