(Credit to @Billions) I’ve been thinking a lot, and realized there’s a big hole in the Sub Club titles that I hope will one day be filled. There is no alpha multi-staged subliminal. And you might be thinking What are you talking about, haven’t you ever heard of Khan? To which I would say, OF COURSE I’ve heard of Khan, it’s one of the best SEDUCTION subliminals out there! But what do we have in terms of multi-stagers for someone that wants to be an alpha male??? Mogul has EOG for a multi-stager Sage Immortal has the Alchemist Regeneration has Dragon Reborn Primal Seduction has Khan Ascension has ??? Chosen has ??? Where’s the multi-stager for someone who wants to put 100% of their focus on MASSIVE transformation in their internal and external status, without the distraction of a title that gets you obsessed with sex. Maybe the experiences that @SaintSovereign has had making all of these Chosen products titles will culminate in a 4th product in the Chosen line… a multi-staged product that encapsulates the first three programs into one perfect multi-stager and focuses on the ultimate non-romantic alpha multi-stage subliminal?

Lion posted almost 2 years ago



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